Testing for Faulty Bulbs

Testing For Faulty Light Bulbs

Wait! Before you throw out that light string that's gone dark or declare your Christmas tree unworty of display due to unlit patches, we might have a solution! The most common reason for burned out bulbs in older strings is often as simple as the bulb coming loose from the socket. Our page below will help guide you through the process of testing for faulty bulbs and introduce you to new lighting technology which can save you from this headache when you do decide to replace your Christmas tree and light strings.


Christmas Light Testers

The most convenient way to test for faulty bulbs in a light string is through the use of a light tester. Light testers search for the point in the string where the voltage changes between a good bulb with current flowing and a problem area with minimal current. Christmas light testers typically either detect voltage in a string by displaying indicator lights or through the use of audible beeping sounds. Once the problem bulb is located, just change out the bulb and the string should light up again!

Additional Troubleshooting

If the light tester failed to provide results there may be no current in the string or multiple bulbs are out, and additional steps must be taken.

  • Use the light tester to check the first and last bulbs on the string, sometimes these are not picked up during a sweep of the light strings and may be the culprit.
  • Check to see if the string has a fuse in the power plug. If the entire string is out you could possibly have a blown fuse.
  • If multiple strings are out, individually plug each string into a power source to begin testing. It's easier to isolate a bad string if only one string is connected rather than multiple strings.
  • Inspect all light strings for damage to the insulation on the wire and loose wires around the sockets and electrical plug. Also check for damaged sockets and electrical plugs. If you find a damaged string you should discard it.

Advances in Incandescent Mini Light Strings

Discover a renewed excitement for incandescent mini lights! We know burned out bulbs and strings that won't light can be a total nightmare when you're trying to decorate your home for the holidays. However, thanks to advancements in technology, strings that don't stay lit are no longer a problem plaguing households during what is supposed to be the most joyous season of all!

What to Look for in a Good Set of Mini Lights

  • Tighter Wire Twists - less wire tangling means hassle free decorating!
  • Stackable Plugs - connect multiple sets without the need for multiple outlets and extension cords.
  • Twist Proof Bulbs - provide extra security against misaligned wire connections and prevent rotation during installation and storage.
  • Lamp Locks - keep bulbs securely in their sockets where they belong!

And, the best addition?

One Light Goes Out Rest Stay Lit Technology!

Understanding One Light Goes Out Technology

"One Light Goes Out, Rest Stay Lit" is a technology that uses an internal shunt within the bulb to continue the flow of electricity throughout a light string, even if a bulb has burned out. It is important to understand that if the shunt is broken when a bulb breaks, or if it is dislodged due to a loose bulb, the flow of electricity will stop. Additionally, each mini light has two small copper wires that come out of the base of the bulb, and fold upwards on each side. When the socket is in place and the bulb is secure, this allows for the current to continue to flow. Sometimes the copper wire may be broken or out of position, and replacing the bulb or moving the copper wires into place should remedy the problem.

Prelit Christmas Tree With Incandescent Lights
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